cold brew coffee dubai

Boost your productivity with Nitro!

Posted by Cafe Rider on

It's the middle of summer in Dubai and that can only mean one thing - scorching desert heat! 

If you're on vacation abroad, enjoy every single moment of more temperate weather (depending on where you are, of course). However, if you're still in Dubai and planning to come to the Cafe, we've got a surprise for you!

nitro cold brew

We've got NITRO! 

Nitro Cold Brew, as it's known, is a process by which cold brew coffee is infused with nitrogen. The result is a smooth, creamy beverage that can be enjoyed without the acidity or bitterness normally associated with regular cold brew. 

nitro at cafe rider

We already have a selection of signature cold drinks, but the Nitro is an important addition to our caffeinated beverages. We've partnered with Nitro Coffee Solutions - an up-and-coming provider - to bring Nitro to you on an experimental basis for one week. Based on your feedback we may end up making Nitro a permanent fixture on the menu, so don't hesitate to give us your opinion once you've tried it. 

Furthermore, we've also placed the Brew Tap in a central location at the Cafe, so you can actually watch your Nitro being poured! Come by the Cafe, order a Nitro Cold Brew and let us know what you think.


nitro coffee solutions

Nitro Coffee Solutions founder Mark Stewart

If you've got any questions, our friendly floor staff will be on hand to give you all the information you're looking for. Additionally, Mark will be at the Cafe all week, collecting feedback and answering questions about the Nitro equipment, so feel free to reach out! 


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