Caffeine cruise destination jais

Caffeine Cruise: Destination Jais

Posted by Cafe Rider on

For as long as we can remember, the concept of the Caffeine Cruise has remained mostly the same - show up at the Cafe at a set time on a weekend morning and go for an informal ride to a particular destination. 

Regardless of how many Caffeine Cruises take place in a season, the ride to Jebel Jais historically sees the biggest turnout. It's been a few years since we had done a ride up Ras Al Khaimah's highest mountain and we thought it would be a good idea to resurrect the concept, which has almost become a Cafe Rider institution by this point. 

Jebel Jais Cruise

The date was set for January 29th, a Saturday (we're still wrapping our heads around the new weekend). An early start would see us leave the Cafe at 6:30 a.m., which meant that the coffee machines were warmed up and ready to serve by 6 a.m sharp. One by one the bikes and cars trickled into the parking lot and by the time our safety briefing had been carried out, we were looking at about 50 motorcycles and around 10 cars and trucks. Phew! All systems go... 

Two fuel stops and a mostly uneventful ride later, we reached the base of Jebel Jais. The next half hour was punctuated by the numerous hairpins, curves, and corners that make Jais so appealing as a driving and riding destination. 

With the small hand pointing at "10" and the sun high in the sky, we reached our destination. Hot and cold coffee, sandwiches, wraps and brownies were quickly doled out to satisfy the appetite that had been developed from navigating the twisties. 

Jebel Jais event

We could then take the time to relax and enjoy the view. There's just something about misty mountain views that render us speechless, everytime - which is why we commit to making a trip up Jais once a season. It is the peak (pun fully intended) of our Caffeine Cruise season and we're very glad to have ended on such a high note (alright, we'll stop now). 

A heartfelt "thank you" to all who attended "Caffeine Cruise: Destination Jais." It was great to see all our regulars, while greeting the new faces for the first time. Stay tuned, the season isn't over just yet and we've got a few things up our sleeves... 

Thank you to Steve Ketner who shot all these images. Safe travels and we'll see you soon! 

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jebel jais cruise
motorbike community UAE
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motorbikers on their way to jebel jais
man in motorbike helmet

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