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Anniversary Special Edition pt.2 - Kenya Maguta Estate Lot MG4

Posted by Cafe Rider on

We've always maintained that coffee is more than just a drink or a bean, especially when one starts drilling down into the origins of said coffee. More often than not, sourcing and tasting coffee can turn into a geography lesson - with the unique culture and nuance of its birthplace intricately intertwined within the flavour notes in each cup. 

Our second Anniversary Special Edition coffee as part of our "10 for 10" series comes from a different continent to our first Guatemalan installment - Africa. Specifically, this coffee has been sourced all the way from the Kenya Maguta Estate. 

David Ngibuini

A major issue that faces the global farming community is that of farmer income, and more specifically the lack of it. As time passes, fewer farmers across the world are being motivated to grow and harvest coffee, based on their limited earnings. To combat this issue, farming clusters are popping up across the world with the primary goal of promoting a sustainable coffee economy while helping farmers earn a better livelihood. Strict quality control and sustainable farming practices are major benefits of these regional groups like the Murware farmers, of which the Maguta Estate is a part. 

By working with the Maguta Estate, we hope to help them reach their goals of empowering the farming communities and improving their livelihoods by building the resources they need to increase their coffee quality. 

cafe rider kenya coffee beans

You can find the coffee available at our online store or in-store at the Cafe, till stocks last. 

General Information / Coffee Specifications:

Farm: Maguta Estate - Nyeri farm
Producer: David Ngibuini
Region: Nyeri county, Central Kenya
Variety: Ruiri / SL28
Altitude: 1,650 – 1,800 MASL
Process: Supernatural
Roast: Medium, recommended for Filter

 kenya coffee dubai

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