freedom from fear

Finding Freedom

Posted by Cafe Rider on


We take a deeper look at our motto – Be original, be free.

In an increasingly chaotic world, the concept of freedom takes many forms. Freedom from work, freedom from devices, even the freedom to explore outside your comfort zone. Social media platforms, emails, phone calls, texts are all fantastic methods for communication, keeping us in touch with what’s happening in the rest of the world.


freedom from fear cafe rider dubai


Use them long enough however, and the need to break free makes itself known. That daily routine can start feeling like a restraint and every additional email, phone call and social media notification can start feeling like an additional stress point. From time to time, we owe it to ourselves to find that aforementioned freedom. It doesn’t have to be a drastic measure either.


freedom from fear dubai


Sometimes, something as simple as jumping in your car after work and heading into the desert can do wonders. A bit of fresh air to blow away the cobwebs and an empty horizon to catch a beautiful sunset – that’s all you really need.

Since we practice what we preach, we tried the same thing a few days ago and it was just as good as we thought it would be. There’s a certain brutal beauty that the desert has, a beauty that can’t be appreciated anywhere else.


cafe rider dubai


So, the next time you feel a bit restrained, find that freedom. Whether it’s the beach, the desert or the mountains, make the trip. You’ll feel much better for it.

As always, be original, be free.

freedom from fear dubai


In this set, Stef is wearing our Café Rider Eco Red T-shirt, made from 60% organic cotton and 40% recycled plastic. Our Cafe Rider x Miir Camp Cup also makes an appearance. Get them all here

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