It’s the last day of our Anniversary week festivities and we couldn’t be more pleased with the way you - our customers and the community at large – responded. Seven years is not a short time and we wanted to celebrate it properly but the end result exceeded our expectations by some margin. Now we’re looking ahead…

We’re not going to be slowing down anytime soon, instead we will be sustaining and even increasing the momentum that we’ve built over time. We’ve got some big plans in the mix, which should become clear before the end of the year. At the same time, we’ve been working with talented artists to accurately capture the Café Rider lifestyle, which we’ll be unveiling over the next few weeks.
Our Colombia Guava Banana coffee was a proper success, even if we do say so ourselves. Buoyed by this positive outcome, you can be sure we’ll be roasting small quantities of limited-edition coffee in the future.

The future looks bright. So let’s take the bike by the handlebars, so to speak, and twist that throttle wide open!
As always, be original be free.